Friday, April 29, 2011

A Great View of the Petri Dish

petri dish was slowly submerge  into an antibacterial solution. ie. Clorox, Bleach.  This would ensure that the petri dish would have no markings or stains to eliminate error when counting colonies of bacteria.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yes, Idea Approved!

Today our group showed Mr Hnidei our data from the experiment conducted. Showing him the data graph and the log log graph. Our data came out as a power law function. J.S.S.P is very pleased that our idea is working and is now determined to finish the write up portion and the blog.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Experiment On The Go Again!

The bacteria samples were transferred into the petri dish and was left to grow. Some colonies showed up in the first 24 hours. A couple of days later the results showed that the colonies started to show up and they would varied in size. Finally, the experiment went through the week and the data was recorded. Some pictures and videos were taken each day to show the progess of the bacteria growth experiment. Our group took some great pictures and videos.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Restarting Experiment

Today we have consulted Mr. Hnidei about our bacteria growth experiment. He seems to have noticed a slight disparity in the graph. Since the graph was found insufficient we have decided to rerun the experiment. This time making sure to take data with in the first 24 hours of beginning the experiment. This time we have clean data and it seems to have made a better graph. We have reason to believe that the first experiment was run incorrectly between 2 petri dishes. The experiment was compromised due to unsterilized petri dishes.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our Group In The Beginning Of J.S.S.P

So our group for this non-linear system is made up of John, Paul, Somaya, and Steve . We have a few ideas that we are exploring for this project and having a hard time choosing one solid system. We are hoping to get started A.S.A.P on our experiment.

Friday, April 22, 2011

FSE Project

Our idea for a nonlinear system is to find out how much bacteria  can grow with in a week. We're hoping this will be a nice and consistent system and our data shows to be one of  following: a root function, an inverse law, or a power law.